Healthy Eating through the Holidays

  • 15.11.2022

The holiday season is quickly approaching and so are the joys, and challenges, that come along with holiday eating. When you are busy stressing about food, it can be hard to focus on the things that really matter this time of year, like friends and family. We’ve come up with some tips to help you reduce stress and enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season!

  • Enjoy your favorite holiday dishes – just in moderation! Slow down and enjoy a small serving, and account for it in your meal plan.
  • Fill your plate using The Plate Method – half with vegetables, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with carbohydrates. Eating more vegetables will make you feel full longer!
  • Staying active this holiday season can help to account for some of the big holiday dishes you may be consuming – walk with friends and family after big meals.
  • Holiday drinks often have many calories. Try having one and then switching to a drink with less calories and sugars like wine or sparkling water with a splash of juice.
  • If you know you are going to have a sweet treat after a meal, cut back on other carbs like potatoes or bread during the meal.
  • It’s okay if you slip up – everyone does! Go back to eating healthy at your next meal.

You’ll probably be attending a holiday party or two this season – whether it’s with family, at work, or with the neighbors. You may not have control over the food being served at a party, but you can control what or how much you eat!

  • Eat a light meal or snack before going to a party. This will help you avoid overeating. You may be tempted to skip meals prior to attending a party, but this can have negative effects on your body and lead to overeating.
  • It’s easy to keep piling food onto your plate at a holiday buffett if you have the space. Choose a smaller plate to keep yourself from eating more than you really need.
  • Offer to bring a dish to your holiday parties. This is a great way to help the host out, spread holiday cheer, and allows you to bring a healthy option.
  • While at a party, spend time socializing and catching up with friends away from the food table so you aren’t tempted to keep eating.

If you have diabetes, the holidays can cause some uneasiness about controlling your blood sugar. The most important thing is to have a plan!

  • Eat close to the usual time that you eat to keep your blood sugar steady.
  • Check your blood sugar more often during the holidays.
  • Talk to your provider to see if your medication may need to be adjusted before the holidays. Have a plan if you notice a consistent spike in your blood sugar levels.
  • Get the appropriate amount of sleep (7-8 hours). Loss of sleep can make it harder to manage your blood sugar.
  • When drinking alcoholic drinks, make sure to eat too. Alcohol can lower your blood sugar and affect your medications.